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The Development of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: Inside the Atria in Rome

The Development of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: Inside the Atria in Rome

Sofia Cavalletti
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This fascinating volume offers a photographic record of the birthplace of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. In Sofia Cavalletti’s own words, readers are guided through the atrium, beginning in the place where this profound experience first unfolded more than sixty years ago.

A photographic record of the materials for the three age groups (3-6, 6-9, and 9-12) as well as historical photographs, and drawings by the children in Sofia Cavalletti’s atrium, Centro di Catechesi Buon Pastore, in Rome. The commentary is by Cavalletti, who with Montessorian Gianna Gobbi, developed this approach to the religious formation of children.

Cavalletti highlights the origin and development of the materials, including how the children’s responses guided the selection of the foundational themes of the Christian message they presented to the children. At each level, the selected themes from Scripture and Liturgy, and materials that elucidate these themes, nurture the child’s religious potential for a relationship with God.


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