Blessed Imelda Tiny Saints

RRP $9.95
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Sophia BookClub $8.46
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These ‘tiny saints’ are wonderful reminders of those who have gone before us, who have persevered in living Gospel values.

Wear one on a jacket zipper. Clip one on a backpack or purse.

Each Tiny Saints has a short biographical sketch on the back of its packaging.

Biographical information on the back of the package:

As a child, little Imelda would create prayer corners around her house with flowers and pictures. She loved Jesus so much that she joined a cloistered Dominican community when she was only nine years old! Two years later, while Imelda attended Mass, the Holy Eucharist miraculously hovered above her as she knelt in prayer. Astounded, the priest took the host in his hands and gave Imelda her First Communion. She was so filled with joy, she joined Christ in Heaven that very moment.

Patron saint of:
first communion
the Eucharist

*Prices are indicative only and subject to change without notice.