Bonhoeffer Legacy: Australasian Journal of Bonhoeffer Studies Volume 2 paperback

Author: Terence Lovat
9781922239884ATF Press01/08/2014
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Research Articles:

Resurrection and Reality in the Theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Christopher RJ Holmes

Bridging the Gap: Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Early Theology and its Influence on Discipleship
Joseph McGarry

Binding Sovereignties: Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Virtues
Dallas Gingles

Hermann Sasse and Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Churchmen on the Brink
Maurice Schild

‘Lord of the (Warming) World’: Bonhoeffer’s Eco-theological Ethic and the Gandhi Factor
Dianne Rayson & Terence Lovat

Other Article:
The Bonhoeffer Society as Mentor
Keith Clements

Book Reviews:
Derek McDougall
Maurice Schild
Gordon Watson

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