Take Courage: Encouraging Words for Discouraging Times

9780758672957Concordia Publishing House01/04/2023
RRP $84.95
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For more than a decade, Matthew C. Harrison has served as the president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. During this time, he has faced many discouraging days and witnessed the decline of the popularity of being a Christian in our modern era. He knows that even faithful Christians can feel as if everything in life is against them. The world wants them to abandon faith in God, who is so particular. Many of their family and friends no longer sit next to them in the pew. The worldview promoted by culture is so different from the one they hear from the pulpit and in the pages of the Bible. But this is not another book telling you everything that is wrong in the world. This is a book reminding you of the one thing right in the world, the person who alone has overcome the world.

Through Jesus, Rev. Harrison has found constant encouragement. He now writes these words as encouragement to you. As your words and prayers have sustained him for years, so now these words of encouragement are for you. Jesus alone has overcome the world. He alone is risen from the dead. No matter the uncertainty of our times, no matter the discouraging state of affairs around us, these truths are certain.