You are the Kingdom: An Exploration of Discipleship Through the Gospel Imagery of the Kingdom as Divine Presence in the World

Author: Peter Varengo
9780648725176Coventry Press20/04/2020
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The Kingdom of God is within you
Luke 17:21

The focus of the preaching and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth was the reality of God’s kingdom, God’s dream for the creation and those who live in God’s world.

The heart of the kingdom message is found in Jesus’ parables – images and stories of how the people of the kingdom would live their lives – how they would respond to its challenges, how they would prioritise their life choices, their values, their day to day decisions, their deep commitment to take seriously the claims of the kingdom on their lives.

You are the Kingdom is a series of reflections on the kingdom parables, calling us to renew our understanding that the kingdom is within us, calling us to live faithfully with one another and our world in the everyday events of our lives.

In You are the Kingdom, Peter Varengo articulates a vision of discipleship that interweaves our faith in Christ with the patterns of our ordinary living. – From the Foreward by Christiaan Jacobs-Vandegeer.

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