Your Neighbour is God: 26 Social Questions for a Better World

9781922589040Freedom Publishing Books01/06/2021
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“Love your neighbour as yourself”, Jesus said (Mt 22:39).

When you try to put these powerful words into practice you will face many different questions. Should I give money to a beggar? What if I cannot afford an eco-friendly lifestyle? What does the Bible say about discrimination? Can I contribute to world peace? Do I have a right to work? Can the state punish people? Should I pay taxes and vote? Is artificial intelligence okay?

This unique book answers many concrete questions on the basis of the social teaching of the Church. There is no need to start on page 1: you can go directly to the question that interests you most. The answer provokes you in an interactive way to continue thinking about the theme you are reading. Apps using augmented reality turn the contents of this book into a multimedia experience. The book can be read by individuals, or used in a group discussion.

Fr Michel Remery is a Catholic priest and author, founder of Tweeting with GOD & Online with Saints. Formed as an architect (1992-1996), he worked for the Dutch Royal Air Force and as a consulting engineer before studying philosophy and theology in Rome (1999-2006). His PhD was on the relationship between liturgy and architecture. In the parish he worked especially with young people and students (2006-2012). He was Vice Secretary General of the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (2012-2017), following fields like social communications, youth, and catechesis. In 2018, he continued his priestly mission in Luxembourg as national youth chaplain and internationally as director of Tweeting with GOD.