40 Days with God: Time Out to Journey Through the Bible

Author: Kent Hickey
9781640606043Paraclete Press, Incorporated09/02/2021
RRP $32.95
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How much time is enough to be with God? While it could be the 40 days or years used so often in the Bible, it’s also possible that simply stealing a few minutes from the busy-ness of each day is enough time to be in Kairos, “God time.” The same is true for the space needed to find God. Whether it be in a deserted place or one filled with activity, whatever space we can carve out to find God—or to make enough room to be found—is enough space. This book is about being with God in short time and tight spaces. The journey is taken through and with the Bible, 40 reflections based on 40 passages from Scripture, starting with Genesis and ending with Revelation. For the prayerful reader, it is an opportunity to carve out God-space and God-time, a pilgrimage with God, toward God.

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