All items in: Pastoral Care
12 Steps to Spiritual Freedom: Understanding the Christian Roots of Twelve Step Programs
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2015 Synod The Crucial Questions: Divorce and Homosexuality paperback
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A New Vision of Family Life: A Reflection on Amoris Laetitia
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A Prayer Book for Australia Full Edition Red Hardcover APBA
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Abuse and Cover-up: Refounding the Catholic Church in Trauma
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Art of Caring for the Sick: Guidelines for Creative Ministry
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Art of Healing Prayer: Bringing Christ’s Wholeness to Broken People
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At the Gates: Disability, Justice and the Churches
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Baptismal Ecclesiology and the Order of Christian Funerals
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Bearing the Unbearable: Trauma, Gospel, and Pastoral Care
Becoming Eucharistic People: The Hope and Promise of Parish Life - Engaging Catholicism Series
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Being Claimed by the Eucharist We Celebrate: A Spiritual Narrative for Priests and Deacons
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Beyond Accompaniment: Guiding a Fractured
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Bringing Communion to the Sick A Handbook for Ministers of Holy Communion
Bruised and Wounded: Struggling to Understand Suicide
RRP $34.95
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