Prayer Experiment Notebook

9780281078479SPCK Publishing30/05/2018
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How do you help an 8-12-year-old to get to grips with prayer for themselves?

The book includes 14 interactive ‘prayer experiments’ for children to try out, including:

  • Lego Bible modelling 
  • Minecraft church 
  • Bubble wrap worry prayers 
  • Play dough prayers 
  • Rough times sandpaper prayers 
  • Prayer types chatterboxes 
  • Bedhead prayer posters 
  • Prayer Den 
  • God is great collage 
  • Thank you jar 
  • Prayer Tree 
  • Praying with your body 
  • Contemplation bottles

There is also a ‘bonus’ section of prayer games and activities to play with a friend, at home or in a church group, plus comments from other ‘prayer experimenters’ and space to write your own reflections.

Written by two adults, but with LOTS of feedback from other young experimenters, this book will get you praying in many fun and different ways.

Which will be your favourite prayer experiment?

It was very interesting. It made me think a lot about God, and me, and how much God loves me. — Zoe (8) on contemplation bottles

I think this activity is one of the best activities because it made you think what you were thankful for. — Alex (11) on the thank-you jar

It was exciting and fun because it was a bit like a game and you didn’t know which type of prayer you would get. — Poppy (11) on chatterbox prayers

Miranda Threlfall-Holmes is a vicar based in Liverpool.She is the author of several books and has three children.

Mina Munns, now a curate, was formerly a primary school teacher and church children’s worker. She runs the FlameCreative Kids Website