‘In this wonderful book, John Pritchard draws you into twenty of Jesus’ most important questions, which ring as true today as ever they did. I loved it.’ PAULA GOODER, CHANCELLOR OF ST PAUL’S CATHEDRAL, LONDONWe usually think of Jesus as preaching and teaching, but throughout the gospels he is often asking questions – searching enquiries, that disarm the hearers into responding unreservedly and provide some of the most profound lessons in the New Testament.But what were the questions that Jesus asked? And how can we learn from them today?Twenty Questions Jesus Asked explores just that. Over four distinct sections, John Pritchard explores twenty of Jesus’ conversations by imagining the experience of those being questioned and reflecting on their significance for us as modern Christians.With contemporary stories, questions for reflection and prayer exercises, Twenty Questions Jesus Asked is a brilliant book for both individual and small group use. With his characteristic grounded thoughtfulness, John Pritchard guides us through Jesus’ questions and helps us better understand the lessons he was trying to impart, so that we can grow as disciples and apply Jesus’ wisdom to every day life.
Twenty Questions Jesus Asked And How They Speak To Us Today
Author: John Pritchard
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