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Is Religion Irrational?

Is Religion Irrational?

Keith Ward
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Is Religion Irrational? "In the early twenty-first century atheism seems to have taken on a new lease of life. Buses in London carry the slogan, `There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.` In the United States and Britain there seems to be a concerted campaign to persuade people that atheism is the only reasonable form of belief." But is it? In Is Religion Irrational? , best-selling author Keith Ward confronts the new atheists' charges head-on, arguing that belief in God is actually more reasonable than atheism. Starting with the question of why belief in God matters in the first place, Ward guides us through some of the biggest conundrums of today's "big questions": What is God? Does God cause evil? Is the universe intelligently designed? Are faith and reason incompatible? How does God act in the world? Is there a future for religion? Whatever your opinion about God, this is a book that will challenge and inform.

Keith Ward is a fellow of the British Academy and Professional Research Fellow at Heythrop College, London. He was formerly Professor of Religion at King's College, London, Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford, and a member of the Council of the Royal Institute of Philosophy. He is also a well-known broadcaster and author of over twenty books including More than Matter? and Is Religion Dangerous?


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