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Matthew 1:1 - 11:1 Concordia Commentary

Matthew 1:1 - 11:1 Concordia Commentary

Jeffrey Gibbs
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This commentary carefully expounds the original Greek text and theology of Matthew. Dr. Gibbs employs a narrative approach that carefully attends to the literary structure of Matthew’s unfolding message in his Gospel. He interprets the text in light of the original cultural and religious context in which Matthew wrote, as well as the audience for whom he wrote. Themes that receive particular emphasis include Jesus’ mission to save his people from their sins; the reign of God in Jesus; the Son of God’s vicarious role as the substitute for Israel and for us; Jesus’ fulfillment of the OT; Jesus’ ministry of mighty word (preaching, calling disciples, teaching) and mighty deed (healing the sick, exorcizing, and raising the dead); how God’s grace in Jesus now comes to us through the ministry of Word and Sacrament; and eschatology—that the end times have begun already with Jesus’ ministry, and the Christian lives with joyful hope in the promises yet to be fulfilled on the Last Day.

Dr. Jeffrey A. Gibbs is professor of exegetical theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri. He studied at Rice University, Houston, Texas (B.A.), Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne, Indiana (M.Div., S.T.M.), and Union Theological Seminary in Virginia (Ph.D.).


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