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Called to Serve: A Theology of Commissioned Ministry

Called to Serve: A Theology of Commissioned Ministry

David Rueter
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RRP $57.95

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There are thousands of active-rostered commissioned ministers in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, faithful men and women who serve in the congregations, schools, and recognized service organizations of the LCMS.

But all too often, commissioned workers struggle to know their place in the church. They’re more than just laypeople, but they’re not public ministers. How can called workers better understand their own role? And how can pastors and laypeople honor this position while not confusing it with other callings?

David Rueter, a director of Christian education program director, invites the church to hold a high view of both pastors and commissioned workers while not sacrificing the dignity of either, nor confusing the theological and historical significance of both. This in-depth look at the theology of commissioned ministry will lead all to properly respect and rightly balance these offices of ministry.

Dr. David L. Rueter (PhD, Talbot School of Theology) is professor of Christian education, director of ministerial formation, and assistant DCE program director at Concordia University Irvine. He also serves as youth and family ministry facilitator for the Pacific Southwest District of the LCMS.


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