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Catholic Update Guide to Vatican II

Catholic Update Guide to Vatican II

Mary Carol Kendzia
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RRP $17.95

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  • What was the Second Vatican Council?

  • Who was involved in the Council?

  • What does Vatican II mean to us today?

The Second Vatican Council brought monumental changes to our Church. During the three years Vatican II was in session, some 2,500 bishops from all over the world crafted documents that affected every area of the Roman Catholic Church - which continue to inspire, inform, and renew the Church. Drawing on the trusted and popular Catholic Update newsletter, the Catholic Update Guide to Vatican II will help you understand the reasons for calling the Council, the inner workings of the bishops' meetings, and the Council's long-term implications for the Church. Whether you're new to the Church or a lifelong Catholic, this guide will give you a concise yet comprehensive overview of this critical event in the history of the Catholic Church.


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