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Catholic Update Guide to Jesus

Catholic Update Guide to Jesus

Mary Carol Kendzia
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RRP $17.95

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  • Who was Jesus? 

  • What is the core of his teaching and message to his followers? 

  • Why is he still one of the most loved and compelling figures of the past two thousand years?

The Catholic Update Guide to Jesus gives readers an overview of the man who founded Christianity, and in the process, changed the life of millions. It looks at the life of Jesus from a historical and scriptural perspective, focusing on the Gospel accounts and events of his early life and ministry. It shows how, above all, Jesus was a faithful Jew who put more stock in love rather than law, embodying the Great Commandment: love God above all else and your neighbor as yourself. The book brings readers into today as it explores a theology of the Eucharist - our most personal experience of Christ alive in the Church. You will come to know why celebration of the Eucharist is important to nurturing a healthy faith, and discover the ways this unites us with all in the Body of Christ. Brief yet comprehensive, the Catholic Update Guide to Jesus lays the foundation for a better understanding of the Son of God.


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