Journey of Faith for Teens: Inquiry New Revised Edition 16 lesson pack

9780764826337Liguori Publications01/08/2016
RRP $19.95
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Journey of Faith for Teens introduces teens to the Catholic faith in a way that’s relevant to where they are in their own lives, using an engaging pastoral style. Based on the best-selling adult Christian initiation program from Liguori Publications, Journey of Faith for Teens addresses relevant life issues, faith topics, and questions in a catechetical approach to RCIA.

The lessons in Journey of Faith for Teens, Inquiry begin with the concept of faith in the Catholic Church and continue the exploration into many topics that will be discussed further throughout the program. Some of the concepts include the Trinity, Jesus as fully human and fully divine, an introduction to the Bible, prayer life, the Mass, Church leadership, Mary, and the saints.

Engaged teens learn better, which is why we’ve combined collaborative activities with group discussions and private journaling to appeal to a variety of learners in a way that’s flexible enough for you to modify to your unique needs.

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