Project Holiness: Marriage as a Workshop for Everyday Saints

9780814637043Liturgical Press15/07/2015
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Project Holiness: Marriage as a Workshop for Everyday Saintscelebrates the holiness of the ordinary and the goodness of married discipleship. Vatican II’s Lumen Gentium reminds Catholics of the universal call to holiness. Each person-lay and ordained alike-shares this vocation to holiness, this call to sainthood. For most adult Catholics, it is within the context of vowed, married life that the joyful and challenging path to sainthood is traveled. Based on an extensive qualitative study of long-lasting Catholic marriages, Bridget BurkeRavizza and Julie Donovan Massey examine the virtues, values, and practicesthat ground flourishing marriages and lead married partners to holiness.

Bridget Burke Ravizza is associate professor of theology and religious studies at St. Norbert College, De Pere, Wisconsin. She is a contributor to Women, Wisdom, and Witness: Engaging Contexts in Conversation, edited by Kathleen J. Dolphin and Rosemary P. Carbine and published byLiturgical Press.

Julie Donovan Massey is senior director for mission and ministry at St. Norbert College, De Pere, Wisconsin.

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