Explore the deeper meaning of eucharistic celebration with a highly regarded expert on liturgy. In Mystagogy of the Eucharist Gilbert Ostdiek, OFM, draws on ritual actions, liturgical symbols, prayer texts, and reflective commentary to help participants in the liturgy name and reflect on the meaning that Eucharist has for daily life. This book is offered as a practical, pastoral resource for those engaged in the ongoing formation of worshipers and their liturgical ministers.
Gilbert Ostdiek, OFM, is professor of liturgy at Catholic Theological Union, an ordained presbyter, and a member of the Franciscan Province of the Sacred Heart. He has received a Festschrift, Finding Voice to Give God Praise: Essays in the Many Languages of the Liturgy, edited by Kathleen Hughes (Liturgical Press). He is the author of numerous publications and the winner in 2014 of the prestigious Berakah Award of the North American Academy of Liturgy.
Mystagogy of the Eucharist: A Resource for Faith Formation
Author: Gilbert Ostdiek
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