Stations of the Cross Community Prayer Edition

9780814647066Liturgical Press15/11/2015
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Stations of the Cross: Community Prayer Edition offers parishes and other communities a unique and contemporary way to pray the Stations. It includes new prayers composed by Fr. Timothy Radcliffe, along with excerpts from his full-length meditations and the remarkable images that accompanied them in the original edition of Stations of the Cross.

This profound and beautiful resource will guide the faithful to enter more deeply into communion with the crucified Jesus. It is ideal for parishes, parish-based organizations, prayer groups, youth groups, school and campus ministry programs,families, and individual faithful to experience.

Timothy Radcliffe, OP, is a member of the community at Blackfriars, Oxford, and was master of the Order ofPreachers from 1992 to 2001. He is the only member of the English Province of the Dominicans to have held the office since the Order’s foundation in 1216. He is the author of Stations of the Cross and a contributor to Give Us This Day, published by Liturgical Press.

Martin Erspamer, OSB, is a monk of Saint Meinrad Archabbey in southern Indiana. He is a well-known liturgical artist and liturgical consultant. Erspamer works in a wide range of media,including pottery, stained glass, and wood, and is nationally known for his illustrations of sacred themes.

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