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Jesus Risen in Our Midst: Essays on the Resurrection of Jesus in the Fourth Gospel

Jesus Risen in Our Midst: Essays on the Resurrection of Jesus in the Fourth Gospel

Sandra M. Schneiders
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Jesus Risen in Our Midst mines the Resurrection Narrative of John's gospel as a rich resource for understanding and developing Christian spirituality. In this series of essays, which can be read independently of one another, Scripture scholar Sandra Schneiders draws out especially fascinating insights on

-the place of the Resurrection in the overall structure of the Gospel of John
-the important structure of John 20, which presents a series of episodes that are internally related to each other and constitute a distinctive synthesis of Christian spirituality
-what the Resurrection story reveals about the New Covenant promised by Jeremiah and Ezekiel
-the anthropology and eschatology that is operative in John's account of the Resurrection
-the distinction in John between the Glorification and the Resurrection of Jesus


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