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In the Beginning Was the Spirit: Science, Religion, and Indigenous Spirituality

In the Beginning Was the Spirit: Science, Religion, and Indigenous Spirituality

Diarmuid O'Murchu
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2013 Catholic Press Association Book Award: Faith and Science (First Place) "This is a most compelling and creative invitation to see Spirit everywhere present, gifting us with new life and divine energy."

Poets knew it. Mystics knew it. Indigenous people knew it. Now Diarmuid OMurchu unearths what religion has often forgotten or ignored — the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in the breath of all things.

"An expansive and imaginative vision of a spirit-filled world!"—Amos Yong, author,f The Spirit Poured Out on All Flesh

"Long recognized worldwide for his innovative and daring insights on the connections between Christian theology and other humanistic disciplines, OMurchu displays once again his creative imagination and breathtaking ability to range over disparate academic fields to elaborate an innovative pneumatology. He helps us understand how the Holy Spirit dwells in the heart of the whole human history. His new work will inspire and sustain the spiritual journey of people in all walks of life and in all parts of the globe."—Peter Phan, author, Being Religious Interreligiously

"Diarmuid OMurchu is one of the most respected evolutionary theologians alive today."—Michael Dowd, author, The Advent of Evolutionary Christianity

Diarmuid OMurchu, a priest of the Sacred Heart Missionary Congregation, is the author of several books that have changed the way we think about religion, spirituality, and science. They include Adult Faith (2010), Ancestral Grace (Orbis, 2008), Consecrated Religious Life (2006), The Transformation of Desire (Orbis, 2007), Quantum Theology, (Crossroad, 2004), and Evolutionary Faith (Orbis, 2002). He lives in London and lectures on four continents.


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