Sr. Melannie is a “noticer.” She was probably born with “NB” tattooed on her heart: nota bene, note well. In this book she ponders the tilt of the earth, skunks and blue herons, her mother’s yellow jacket, biblical figures like Bartimaeus, Habakkuk, and the Magi, the experiences of homesickness and perfectionism, the nature of grief and space. Along with this noticing is a deep love for words. Indeed, Sr. Melannie identifies herself as a “Wooer of Words.” She has that graced obsession of translating experiences and feelings into images and concepts lest the experiences are forever forgotten.
Each poetic expression here is followed by a brief reflection, some suggested Scripture passages, and questions that hopefully lead to prayer and play. An index of Scripture references, topics, and themes also make this book very user friendly.
Sr. Melannie hopes to pique your curiosity, slow you down, and reaffirm for you the mystery and beauty of daily life with its light and shadows, joys and sorrows, perplexities and understandings. She also hopes these prayer/poems will nudge you to prayer.A Book Excerpt on Questing
The Road to God
The road to God is not long.You need not cross the sea to find Divinity.You need not trek across vast plains or barren deserts,nor hack through dense jungles.You need not scale jagged mountainsjutting into the skies.
No, you have only to pause and be still.Then take that single step into the deep center of who you are.
When the Blue Heron Flies: Prayer Poems to Nourish the Spirit
Author: Melannie Svoboda
RRP $39.95
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