The purpose of this course is to provide an in depth study of the New Testament. Since Jesus Christ’s life, death, and Resurrection are at the heart of the Christian mystery this course will begin by looking at the four complementary but unique portraits of Jesus that are found in the four Gospels. Next it will trace the spread of the Gospel as told in Acts and the Letters. The course will also consider the challenges faced by the early Church that emerge through a careful reading of the New Testament Letters and the Book of Revelation. Additionally, it will look closely at what his followers in the early Church proclaimed about him and explore the historical, religious and cultural world of Jesus’ time. Ultimately, the course will guide students in seeing the relevance of the Gospel message for the world today.The Living in Christ Series• Makes the most of the wisdom and experience of Catholic high school teachers as they empower and guide students to participate in their own learning.• Engages students’ intellect and responds to their natural desire to know God.• Encourages faith in action through carefully-crafted learning objectives, lessons, activities, active learning, and summative projects that address multiple learning styles.What you will find . . .• Each Living in Christ student book is developed in line with the U.S. Bishops’ High School Curriculum Framework and provides key doctrine essential to the course in a clear and accessible way, making it relevant to the students and how they live their lives.• Each Living in Christ teacher guide carefully crafts the lessons, based on the key principles of Understanding by Design, to guide the students’ understanding of key concepts.• Living in Christ offers an innovative, online learning environment featuring flexible and customizable resources to enrich and empower the teacher to respond to the diverse learning needs of the students.• The Living in Christ series is available to you in traditional full-color text and in digital textbook format, offering you options to meet your preferences and needs.Available January 2012
Living in Christ The New Testament The Good News of Jesus Christ Teacher Guide
Author: Carrie J. Schroeder
RRP $179.95
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