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Anti-Blackness and Christian Ethics

Anti-Blackness and Christian Ethics

Vincent W. Lloyd
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From police violence to mass incarceration, from environmental racism to micro-aggressions, the moral gravity of anti-black racism is attracting broad atten­tion. How do Christian ideas, practices, and institutions contribute to today's struggle for racial justice? And how do they need to be reimagined in light of the challenges to white supremacy posed by today's movements for racial justice?

With contributions by leading experts such as Katie Grimes, Steven Battin, Santiago Slabodsky, M. Shawn Copeland, Kelly Brown Douglas, Elias Ortega-Aponte, Ashon Crawley, Eboni Marshall Turman, and Bryan Massingale, this collection speaks to scholars, students, activ­ists, and Christians of all races who believe that black lives matter.

Vincent W. Lloyd is assistant professor of re­ligion at Syracuse University. His most recent book is Black Natural Law.
Andrew Prevot is assistant professor of the­ology at Boston College. He is the author of Thinking Prayer.


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