Jesus and His Abba: A Little Christology

Author: Leonardo Boff
9781626985780Orbis Books18/12/2024
RRP $64.95
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Leonardo Boff is the author of many works of Christology over the past fifty years. This is his attempt to present a short synthesis of his work, arguing that the essential foundation of Jesus’s identity and mission comes from his intimate identification with God, whom he calls affectionately his Abba. 

Leonardo Boff, a Brazilian theologian and philosopher, is the author of twenty-five Orbis titles, from Jesus Christ Liberator, Ecclesiogenesis, and Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor, to his more recent Christianity in a Nutshell and Thoughts and Dreams of an Old Theologian. In 2001 he received the “Right Livelihood Award,” often dubbed the “alternative Nobel Prize.”

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