Dorothy Day: Spiritual Writings

Author: Robert Ellsberg
9781626985834Orbis Books08/11/2024
RRP $49.95
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In contrast to our volume of Dorothy Day’s Selected Writings, this volume will focus on her essential spiritual themes. These of course were expressed throughout her life as a writer, leader of the Catholic Worker movement, and activist. But I will try to highlight the underlying spiritual themes that underlay her particular model of faith in action and holiness.

It will be organized around core themes:
1) The radical implications of the Incarnation (Matthew 25, recognizing God in the poor; the works of mercy);
2) The call to holiness;
3) The Little Way; The “duty of delight”—finding God in all everyday life;
4) The Revolution of the Heart—how this spirituality is expressed in action, including voluntary poverty, personalism, pacifism, and the “folly of the cross.”

Robert Ellsberg (editor), publisher of Orbis Books, worked with Dorothy Day for the last five years of her life, with two years as managing editor of The Catholic Worker. He has edited five previous volumes of her writings, including Selected Writings (Christopher Award Winner), her diaries, The Duty of Delight, and selected letters, All the Way to Heaven.

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