Religion Timesavers | Teaching Ideas Classroom Resources and Blackline Masters for Teachers and Catechists

Author: Maurice Ryan
9781921538131Lumino Press01/02/2011
RRP $49.95
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Religion Timesavers is a Lumino Press resource for Australian classroom religion teachers and parish catechists.

The idea of the book is to provide busy teachers and catechists with ready and accessible materials that assist them in the variety of tasks involved in their role.

Prayer celebrations for significant liturgical feast days and memorial celebrations throughout the year are included. Graphic organisers and writing templates are a major feature. The book contains copious clip art images, an extensive list of useful websites and tools for planning and organising the religious education program in a school or parish.

These include student award certificates, decorative borders and frames, and assessment items and rubrics. Materials for conducting sacramental programs are included. So are materials for teaching Church history, the Bible and the Church seasons.

Religion Timesavers comprises 228 A-4 pages. Most pages are formatted as high-quality blackline masters ready for immediate classroom use. Permission is granted for reproduction of all pages by the classroom teacher. This is a comprehensive resource that provides classroom teachers with strong back-up for designing and implementing their programs.

*Prices are indicative only and subject to change without notice.