Friendly Guide to Prayer

Author: Michael Whelan
9781921946141Garratt Publishing01/11/2011
RRP $29.95
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The tradition of prayer within the Catholic church is rich and varied and complex. There are many people and themes and practices and sources that could be usefully studied. A much larger book would be required to do that however. In this beautifully presented and easy-to-follow new book, readers will be guided to find the enormous riches and complexity of the Catholic prayer tradition; enough practical guidance to enable them to begin, or perhaps to simply refine and deepen, their practice of prayer; as well as encouragement to go on exploring the possibilities in prayer for them personally, their families, friends and the wider community.

This is for both gift and task. First of all it is gift. We begin with what God has done, is doing and will continue to do. What is on offer is god’s loving and liberating presence, all the time in all things. Secondly, we respond most fundamentally, this means waking up, becoming aware of what is going on throughout the cosmos, in each and every moment, person, event and thing. Oddly enough, waking up requires constant and consistent work. It is an ongoing task. That task is by way of facilitation rather than mastery. We do whatever we can to become present to the Presence, at all times, in all things. This is the way we will speak of prayer throughout this little book – being present to the Presence. Our focus will therefore be primarily on attitudes and dispositions rather than acts and rituals. It is the prayerful person we are most interested in, rather than the person who says prayers, the prayerful life rather than the mastery. We do whatever we can to become present to the Presence, at all times, in all things.

See where This ‘Friendly Guide‘ fits into the ‘To Know Worship and Love’ project.

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