Selected Addresses, Letters and Homilies of Archbishop Mark Coleridge.
“Archbishop Mark Benedict Coleridge is the sixth Archbishop of Brisbane and the seventh Bishop. Since his installation on 11 May 2012, he has fascinated many people with his teaching skills, profound knowledge of Sacred Scripture and an unusual ability to inspire his hearers. He is blessed with an ability to see the big picture of the Church and at the same time to be aware of the needs and aspirations of local communities. His personal presence comes across as warm and encouraging.
A goodly number of those privileged to hear his presentations hunger for an opportunity to ponder quietly his works, hence this collection will be greeted with deep gratitude by those desiring personal growth and understanding in their lives as members of the family of the Church.
Readers will be grateful for those who have compiled this book and they will rejoice in one of Archbishop Mark’s reflections Jesus often surprises, but he never disappoints.”
The Most Reverend Brian V Finnigan, Auxiliary Bishop of Brisbane.
Archbishop Mark arrived in Brisbane bringing with him energy, faith and learning. There have been many requests for copies of his homilies and addresses; and these requests have prompted the compilation of this book. This year Archbishop Mark celebrates his forthieth anniversary as a priest, and this book is published to mark that milestone of his priest ministry.
Edited by Anthony Ekpo and David Pascoe