Once again, Chris Monaghan has a created a timely Lenten resource that speaks to the concerns – and weariness – of Australians who have spent several years dealing with the COVID pandemic.
In God is on the Journey, Too, Chris says, ‘At every stage of the journey of faith, there is something to learn, invitations for us to grow, and opportunities for our relationships with God and others to be strengthened, healed, and renewed.’
In addition to the scriptural readings, a selection of quotes are included in the program featuring both ancient and modern saints, as well as contemporary sources of wisdom. These have been chosen because they shed their own light on this time of grace, acting as trustworthy and wise guides for the journey that lies ahead.
The rich and emotive images featured in God is on the Journey, Too is a credit to Chris’s ongoing passion with photographing the beauty of creation that enfolds us.
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