God’s Field Hospital | Ignatian Spiritual Exercises to Heal the Wounds of Life

Author: Michael Hansen
9781922484970Garratt Publishing15/07/2024
RRP $34.95
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God’s Field Hospital offers treatment by the greatest physician of all – God the healer – for those hurt, wounded or ill, and all those who find themselves in the dark, nursing a cold heart, or holding on to a failing life. And, as with any field hospital, the church should be open on all sides, to all who feel excluded. The 60 Ignatian spiritual exercises inside this book offer retreatants and directors an effective relationship with God, the healer.

Michael Hansen, SJ, is a Jesuit of the Australian Province. He is the national director of the First Spiritual Exercises ministry (FSE), a retreat director, speaker, and spiritual formator. With his extensive pastoral experience and degrees in the arts, theology, and Ignatian spirituality, he has developed creative uses of the Ignatian spiritual exercises, seeking to make them more accessible. He lives in Sydney, Australia.

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