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De-colonising the Biblical Narrative Volume 3: Progressive Revelation of the Character of YHWH in the Book of Exodus (paperback)

De-colonising the Biblical Narrative Volume 3: Progressive Revelation of the Character of YHWH in the Book of Exodus (paperback)

Anne Pattel-Gray
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The Colonial God: YHWH

Progressive Revelation of the Character of YHWH in the Book of Exodus Volume Three in the De-colonising the Biblical Narrative Series is dedicated to those First Nations Australia peoples who were encouraged by colonists, especially the early missionaries, to believe in the Lord God.

Early settlers were unaware that the term ‘Lord’ is not a title for God in the Bible. It is the name of the colonial God YHWH.

This volume reflects the de-colonising approach developed by Anne Pattel-Gray, Norman Habel, and other First Nations Australia. including Ken Sumner, Denise Champion, Rose Rigney and Sean Weeta.

In recent times many First Nations theologians and others have begun to comprehend what some have designated as the ‘colonial curse’ as a factor that has persisted in various forms since the arrival of the first Europeans. The ‘colonial curse’ refers to all negative effects of the colonial invasion of Australia: everything from stealing the Land to poisoning waters and massacres of men, women and children.

This book outlines four stages in the evolution of a ‘colonial consciousness’ in an awareness of what the ‘colonial curse’ has meant for First Nations Australia.

Anne Pattel-Gray is a First Nations scholar who has been a fervent advocate of First Nations’ rights, issues, culture and spirituality. Her works include, Through Aboriginal Eyes and Aboriginal Spirituality, Past, Present and Future. Her acute consciousness of the influence of colonialism has moved her to re-interpret the Biblical narrative.

Norman Habel is a Hebrew scholar who has long been involved in Biblical interpretation being editor of The Earth Bible Series. He has also become colonial conscious having listened to the Rainbow Spirit Elders and a range of First Nations leaders including Anne Pattel-Gray. A recent volume that reflects his colonial awareness is Acknowledgement of the Land and Faith of Aboriginal Custodians after Following the Abraham Trail.


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