Becoming Catholic: A Leader’s Guide | Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist and Reconciliation

Author: Kathy Horan
9781925009880Garratt Publishing01/11/2016
RRP $29.95
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PLEASE NOTE: This Leader’s Guide is linked to the revised editions of the Becoming Catholic series and so are not fully compatible with the new Third Editions.

This Leader Guide for the BECOMING CATHOLIC series sets out to support leaders who may be teachers in Catholic schools, Parish Catechists, Parents and Pastoral Associates who play a significant role in the Religious Education and sacrament preparation of young people within the local parish context.

An important part of this ministry is working with parents to assist them in supporting their children as they prepare to celebrate the sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist – and the sacrament of Reconciliation.

The Leader Guide draws inspiration from contemporary theology about the sacraments as well as from reflections on our shared story as explored in the
Scriptures. An underlying theme is that sacraments are celebrations of the Catholic Church, which has a vision and way of life based on the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, as presented in the gospels.

This means that becoming Catholic is about becoming part of, and gradually more deeply involved in, the life of the community. The Catholic Church has a pastoral process for enabling children to become fully initiated into the Church, to become faithful followers of Jesus, called to develop a personal relationship with Jesus and to make a difference in the world today.

BECOMING CATHOLIC sets out to explain to children how the pastoral process of becoming initiated into the Church began when they were infants and their parents brought them along for Baptism. For older children, this process may begin later and come about as a result of their being drawn to the Catholic Church, or by being in touch with friends or relatives who are Catholic. These children express a desire to become Catholic, and do so with the support and encouragement of their parents.

Becoming Catholic is thus an experience of community, of shared faith and witness to the gospel, and involvement in the life and work of the
Catholic Church.

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