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Friendly Guide to the Birth of Jesus

Friendly Guide to the Birth of Jesus

Mary L. Coloe
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The birth of Jesus is one of the best-known stories in the Gospels, and yet often people do not think about or read the text as adults. They carry with them childhood memories that may be inaccurate, according to the text, and miss the deep theological purpose of these two narratives. While writing about the birth of a child, Matthew and Luke have clearly in their minds the adult Jesus – if only we could see him. It is a little like approaching an iceberg without realising that most of the iceberg is below the surface. If we only read the “surface” story of the nativity, we fail to understand the rich introductions to the person and ministry of the adult Jesus. This book will help you to dive beneath the surface of the text and come to a deeper faith appreciation of both Gospels’ introduction to Jesus’ ministry.


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