Can Catholic parishes become communities of missionary disciples that bear lasting fruit? If so, what does it take to move them in that direction?
Through his years as pastor of Saint Benedict Parish in Halifax, Canada, Fr. James Mallon discovered that the answer to the first question was a resounding yes! Tailored for Catholics, Alpha played a key role in the transformation of the parish he pastored.
Unlocking Your Parish: Making Disciples, Raising Up Leaders with Alpha aims to provide insight into what Alpha can do to help any Catholic parish become a vibrant, mission-focused community.
”This excellent book provides a very practical and inspiring account of the impact Alpha has had in forming missionary disciples at Saint Benedict Parish, Canada. Ron Huntley and Fr. James Mallon share their experience and wisdom with a passion that is both engaging and compelling. I highly recommend Unlocking Your Parish.”
--Nicky Gumbel, Vicar of Holy Trinity Brompton, London and pioneer of Alpha
”Jesus said you judge a tree by its fruit. Mallon and Huntley's experience is mine: Alpha, used as a tool, a part of a larger strategy for parish renewal, is hands down the best thing I've seen for leading people into a life-changing encounter with Jesus.”
--Fr. John Riccardo, Pastor, Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, Plymouth, Michigan
”Unlocking Your Parish is a goldmine of practical wisdom for transforming a parish into a community of missionary disciples. Drawing on years of experience, Ron Huntley and Fr. James Mallon explain why Alpha is a powerful tool for evangelization and how to navigate the challenges involved in changing a parish culture. Together they consider the full spectrum of questions from the appropriateness of Alpha in a Catholic setting to how to choose an Alpha emcee. From beginning to end, this book is engaging, inspiring, and challenging to our preconceived ideas about parish renewal. I will be recommending it everywhere I go!”
--Dr. Mary Healy, Professor of Sacred Scripture, Sacred Heart Major Seminary
About the authors
Fr. James Mallon and Ron Huntley worked side-by-side to bring about the divine renovation of Saint Benedict Parish in Halifax, Canada.
Father James is also the author of the bestselling book Divine Renovation: From a Maintenance to a Missional Parish and the Divine Renovation Guidebook. He now serves as the Episcopal Vicar for Parish Renewal and Leadership Support for the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth in Nova Scotia, Canada.
Ron works for Divine Renovation Ministry as the Director of Coaching and on their senior leadership team.