God is still at work: How I see God at work in the most unexpected places

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In this book, travelling priest Father Michel Remery takes you with him on some of his journeys. Looking through his eyes, you will start to see God at work in the most unexpected places on earth. This engineer, philosopher, academic, theologian and pastor has a unique way in which he looks at the world around him. In each of the continents he visits, he sees God at work in a different way. It is a light, joyful and hopeful book, which is addressed to a wide public. We all need some good news at times!

‘Reading God is still at work caused my heart to rejoice. In a world where God sometimes seems to be silent, Father Michel Remery reminds us that God is still living, moving and working in our hearts and lives. I encourage you to read this with an open and thirsty heart. God is still at work in this world and he is still at work in your life, if you let him.’  – Father Rob GaleaContemporary Christian singer-songwriter

Fr Michel Remery is a Catholic priest and author, founder of Tweeting with GOD, Online with Saints, and Your neighbour is GOD. Formed as an architect (1992-1996), he worked for the Dutch Royal Air Force and as a consulting engineer before studying philosophy and theology in Rome (1999-2006). His PhD was on the relationship between liturgy and architecture. In the parish he worked especially with young people and students (2006-2012). He was Vice Secretary General of the Council of European Bishops Conferences (2012-2017), following fields like social communications, youth, and catechesis. In 2018, he continued his priestly mission in Luxembourg as national youth chaplain and internationally as director of Tweeting with GOD