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St Vincent de Paul Tiny Saints

St Vincent de Paul Tiny Saints

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RRP $9.95

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These 'tiny saints' are wonderful reminders of those who have gone before us, who have persevered in living Gospel values.

Wear one on a jacket zipper. Clip one on a backpack or purse.

Each Tiny Saints has a short biographical sketch on the back of its packaging.

Biographical information on the back of the package:

Born in France, St. Vincent de Paul was a priest known for his compassion, humility and generosity. At 24, he was kidnapped by pirates and spent two years in Africa as a slave. Though his faith was constantly challenged, Vincent stayed strong and eventually escaped. Back home in France, under Vincent’s leadership, people began responding to the intensifying poverty of the 17th century. Since then, the Vincentian family has grown to include diverse groups of women and men, laity and religious.
Patron saint of:

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