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Our Catholic Life Complete Set of 7 books

Our Catholic Life Complete Set of 7 books

Bill Huebsch

This engaging summary of the main themes of the Catechism helps adults understand their faith through the lens of modern life and their own experiences. The seven books break open the Catechism’s main themes—the Mystery of God, Christology, Christian Anthropology, Ecclesiology, Sacraments, Morality, and Liturgy and Prayer. Each includes a group sessions guide.

Purchase the complete set for just $84.95. A great way to get an overview of the program at a great price.

You’ll receive 1 each of:

The Human Journey of Faith

The Mystery of God

Drawing Closer to Christ

The Mystery of the Church

Living the Sacraments

Living the Commandments

Praying our Way through Life

Written and developed by Bill Huebsch, author, theologian and writer of works in-plain-English. With a degree in Philosophy and a Masters in Theological Studies from the Catholic Theological Union of Chicago, Bill has served as a DRE, diocesan administrator and faculty member.


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