Book details
A Christmas Filled With Joy - Christmas Card box 20

A Christmas Filled With Joy - Christmas Card box 20


Inside Text: Thanking God for the blessing of friends and family and wishing you a Christmas filled with joy.
Bible Verse: 2 Corinthians 9:8a
And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance…

Mary, dressed in a blue veil and red tunic holds up the Christ Child in her arms. Jesus extends his arms in blessing. Stars are visible all around the figures.

Text on Back
Tomie dePaola (1934 - )
Internationally respected author and illustrator of children’s books, Tomie dePaola designed almost 100 Christian greeting cards for The Printery House in his inimitable artistic style, between 1961-1969. DePaola, recipient of numerous literary awards, has illustrated and/or written over 300 children’s books. In addition he has created paintings and murals for churches and monasteries in New England.

Size: 4.375 x 5.9375 (A-6) inches
Pack of 20 cards with envelopes


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