Book details
Abraham: A Journey through Lent

Abraham: A Journey through Lent

Meg Warner
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RRP $26.95

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Abraham is a Lent book that takes the story of Abraham in Genesis as the basis for a series of six Lenten studies. There is a single chapter for each of the six weeks focusing on an extract from Genesis. Each chapter is followed by a set of questions arising from it, which could be used by groups or individuals, as well as suggested further reading.

Each chapter begins and ends with discussion addressed to the reader and his or her own experience of moving through Lent. This discussion is related to the chosen passage from the Abraham narratives for that week, and will not assume any previous or background knowledge of biblical scholarship.

In each chapter the reader is offered an interpretation of the chosen passage that is fresh and designed to resonate with their own personal experience. The book gently challenges some traditional ideas about Abraham and his presentation in the Bible.


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