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Explain That to Me!  Searching the Gospels for the Honest Truth about Jesus

Explain That to Me! Searching the Gospels for the Honest Truth about Jesus

Joseph McHugh

When was Jesus born? • Why did the Magi visit? • Was he an only child? • What do we know of his childhood and family life? • Why did he need to be baptized? • Where did he use hyperbole, and why? • How was his death and resurrection connected to the Jewish Passover? These are just a few of the hard questions Joseph McHugh tackles from a Catholic perspective in this compact exploration of the four Gospels—the heart of the Christian Scriptures. He admits he has been puzzled at times by these passages and shares his curiosity and command of biblical literature to answer our questions and guide us to new insights. Not only does he illuminate the meaning of difficult texts, but he also helps us understand the implications of Jesus’ words and actions for our daily Christian life.


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