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Praying our Way through Life: Our Catholic Life Book 7

Praying our Way through Life: Our Catholic Life Book 7

Bill Huebsch

Prayer is the privileged moment of intimacy with God where we discuss our lives, the needs of the world, and the ways our hearts move within us.

Main themes:

  • Liturgy is the Work of the Trinity

  • The People, Places, and Rites of the Liturgy

  • Called to an Encounter with God

  • Forms of Prayer

  • The Wellsprings of Prayer

  • Ways to Pray and Obstacles to Prayer

  • The Lord’s Prayer

Written and developed by Bill Huebsch, author, theologian and writer of works in-plain-English. With a degree in Philosophy and a Masters in Theological Studies from the Catholic Theological Union of Chicago, Bill has served as a DRE, diocesan administrator and faculty member. 


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