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Catholic Curriculum & Pedagogy and the Catholic Educator 2 Book Pack

Catholic Curriculum & Pedagogy and the Catholic Educator 2 Book Pack

Jim & Therese D'Orsa
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Pack containing 1 copy each of Catholic Curriculum & Pedagogy and the Catholic Educator

Catholic Curriculum

In this second volume of the Mission and Education series two Australian Catholic educators face squarely the issue of the Catholicity of the entire formal curriculum – what is involved, and why it is a vital matter for the consideration of all those committed to the education of young people in Catholic schools.

Pedagogy and the Catholic Educator

The Mission and Education series of exploratory studies aims to open up conversation about various elements of the educational process. This conversation explores how each contributes to the mission of Jesus within the context of the ministry of education in schools. Over the years, various authors have contributed to this conversation focusing on such areas as curriculum, formation, leadership, and charism.

Every day teachers make decisions about how they intend 'to make a difference' for the students they teach, and so realise the hopes they had in becoming teachers. Most of these decisions are not made consciously, but 'on the run'. They are often dictated by the culture of the society, or the culture of the school or school system, in which teachers are employed.

Together with integrity, competence, and an understanding heart, pedagogies remain central to the success of the project of Catholic educators who endeavour to implement for their students the transforming vision of Jesus. In this study, Jim and Therese D'Orsa seek to stimulate and resource the deep and focussed conversations needed for the creation and implementation of such pedagogies.


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