Book details
St Jude Icon greeting card

St Jude Icon greeting card


pack of 10 cards with envelopes

Inside Text:
Blank inside

Bible Verse: Matthew 17:20

"For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you."

Icon image of St. Jude, patron of desperate situations and of hospitals. He wears a green mantle over a white tunic and carries a staff in his left hand and an image of Jesus in his right.

Icon greeting cards are single-fold cards printed on heavy stock, 4.38" x 5.93". The cards are blank inside for your own message or custom imprint and have an explanation of the history and symbolism of the icon printed on the back.

Image Origins

Saint Jude
St. Jude is the intercessor for desperate causes. Here, he holds a medallion depicting Christ’s face. This image comes from an Eastern tradition, similar to Veronica’s veil, where Jesus touched his face to the Mandylion, miraculously imprinting his portrait on the cloth. St. Jude promises miraculous intervention from God, even in hopeless circumstances.

Monastery Made
The writer of this icon, Father Pachomius Meade, O.S.B., a monk of Conception Abbey, uses his many talents for the glory of God. He is a writer, iconographer, and artist for The Printery House.

Size: 4.375 x 5.9375 (A-6)


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