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Growing Faith Set of 12 Booklets

Growing Faith Set of 12 Booklets

Bill Huebsch
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RRP $119.40

On Sale $99.95 $119.40

Updated for today’s multi-faceted parish, Growing Faith is pastoral, easy to use, and especially easy to facilitate. Our Catholic faith is rooted in the deepest desires of the human heart: to know God and be with God, to know each other and be with each other. Growing Faith is designed to support this journey of faith and, when used from the first booklet to the last, it provides a systematic and comprehensive presentation of the Catholic faith.

Whether you explore this study in groups or as individuals, you will find the beauty and deep meaning of our faith expressed in down-to-earth language written by best-selling author, Bill Huebsch.

Study the Catechism of the Catholic Church in 12 Convenient Booklets
God Is Always Near
God Speaks with Us as Friends
God Is the Source of Wisdom and Love
Jesus Reveals God to Us
Jesus Teaches Us to Practice
Self-Giving Love
Jesus Calls Us as Ambassadors
We Are the People of God
We Are the Body of Christ
We Are a People of Mercy
The Mystery of the Church
The Mystery of Prayer
The Mystery of the Sacraments

Designed for use with young parents, the RCIA, parish leaders, confirmation programs, catechist formation, small community sharing, adult learning, and personal growth in faith.

Each booklet is 5.5" x 8.5" - 24 pages


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