These 'tiny saints' are wonderful reminders of those who have gone before us, who have persevered in living Gospel values.
Wear one on a jacket zipper. Clip one on a backpack or purse.
Each Tiny Saints has a short biographical sketch on the back of its packaging.
Biographical information on the back of the package:
From a young age, John Vianney felt called to the priesthood. But with little formal education, he struggled in his studies. John hired a tutor, worked hard and was eventually ordained a priest. In his early years, Fr. Vianney was known as a demanding cleric, but his heart was true. He was humble, cared deeply for the poor and even founded a home for orphaned and homeless girls. Fr. Vianney’s compassion became a staple of his ministry. With lines out the door, he spent as much as 16 hours a day hearing confessions.
Patron saint of:
*parish priests
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