Book details
Quiet Magic: A parable about happiness

Quiet Magic: A parable about happiness

Pauline McKinnon

Jimmy Candlestick is a modern boy whose life is fast and filled with gadgets. It is only when Jimmy falls ill and is whisked away to the country to stay with Mrs Fender that he begins to really live. When he learns to leave behind the tensions that he has grown used to, adventure comes his way, along with a new sense of freedom and happiness.

Here is a story that will not only intrigue young readers but it will show them the value of relaxation and meditation and offer them some ways to begin to practise these skills themselves.

PAULINE McKINNON is well-known as the author of In Stillness Conquer Fear. Writer, family therapist and educator, Pauline has made the study, practise and teaching of meditation a focus of her life for more than thirty years. Married and the mother and four grown-up children, she is a keen student of singing and give performances when time permits.


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