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Gods and Diseases: Making Sense of Our Physical and Mental Wellbeing

Gods and Diseases: Making Sense of Our Physical and Mental Wellbeing

David Tacey
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RRP $35

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'Spiritual' forces aren't otherworldly or spooky things - they're the deeper emotional and psychological currents of this world. They are demystified in this book as the subtle and hidden forces that define human existence at its depths. there are many problems in today's society that cannot be resolved by the applications of reason, logic or medical science. these include child abuse, alcoholism, drug addiction, and suicide. Numerous mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, and phobias, are rising dramatically and there seems to be no solution in sight. In this book, David tacey argues that the solution lies in breaking free from the confines of modern medicine. Instead we must turn to spirituality, and to what tacey calls 'meaning-making', to make sense of our physical and mental wellbeing.


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